Panic Disorder

What are Panic Disorders?

Do you suffer from panic disorder?  Panic disorders are anxiety disorders which are classified by the presence of panic attacks that are severe and recurrent.  In addition to the initial attack, one who experiences the episode may also suffer from changes in behavior for up to a month afterwards.  Prolonged fear and worry about the potential for other attacks may also persist.  This can result in anticipatory attacks.

Panic attacks are part of a medically documented disorder.  Many who find themselves regularly feeling panicked do not realize that there is help available.  If you suffer from the issue, you can receive therapy from panic disorder residential treatment centers.


What are the Different Types of Panic Disorders?

How do you know if you have panic attacks?  There are multiple forms of these disorders.  Recognizing the many signs and symptoms will help you to determine whether you are likely to be diagnosed with a panic disorder.

Panic attacks can manifest in many different ways through a wide range of signs and symptoms.  Extreme anxiety is the main sensation that is experienced by those who suffer from panic disorders.

Other symptoms that are typically a part of the condition include: trouble swallowing, faintness, tightness in the throat, chest pain, nausea, headache, dizziness, abdominal cramping, chills, rapid heart rate, hyperventilation, sweating, shortness of breath, fear of death, trembling, and a feeling of impending doom.

 What Causes Panic Disorders?

What is at the root of your panic disorder?  Treatment can help you uncover the cause(s) and address them properly, rather than trying to mask or ignore the issues behind the panic.

Although the exact causes of panic disorders may be unknown, there are factors that are said to play a role in the development and exacerbation of the disorder.  These include: changes in brain function, stress and genetics.

Panic attacks may be an instinctive reaction to stressful situations.  However, the episodes can have many negative effects on your health that warrant the need for treatment if you often suffer from them.

Panic attacks may result in a number of complications, such as: financial difficulty, depression, social seclusion, school or work problems, thoughts of suicide (increased risk), substance or alcohol abuse, and fears or phobias of certain everyday activities (leaving home, driving).

Treatment Options for Panic Disorders

If you suffer from episodes of extreme panic, you may have been told to “just get over it” or to “stop worrying so much.”  Those who give this kind of advice may mean well, but they are no aware that these are not real solutions that work, especially not in the long term.  It just isn’t that simple.  Experiencing panic attacks is a real ailment with real, official and well-established treatment options available for you.

For panic disorders, a number of treatments may be applied.  The goal of treatment is to eliminate the existence of all symptoms pertaining to the panic attacks.  This can be done in the short term through medication and in the long term by addressing the possible sources of panic at their roots.

Psychotherapy and medication are recommended for individuals whose panic disorder is severe.  Which types are used for your particular case will depend on a number of factors and the nature and severity of your condition.

How Do Treatment Centers Treat Panic Disorders?

One of the ways that treatment centers treat panic disorders is by taking a holistic approach.  With this, panic disorders are evaluated at the base cause of the condition, and the “whole person” is given treatments.

Holistic treatments for panic disorders will help the person heal physically, emotionally, nutritionally, mentally, socially and spiritually.  Nature, supplements, therapy, medication and a variety of other treatments may be combined in varying doses and approaches, to alleviate your panic disorder.

If you or someone you love is suffering from any panic disorder, or an issue that you suspect may be related to panic disorders, professional help is highly recommended.  Without seeking the experts, the likelihood of a full recovery is very slim.  The dangers associated with panic disorders have been shown to increase with time, and thus should be treated as quickly as possible.